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Fall 2024
Student Consultant Recruitment
UArizona SCNO will be active for the Fall 2024 semester and is currently recruiting student consultants. There is no application or interview. So far, we have confirmed two nonprofits to work with and continue to interview and network with more to add to our client experience.
1. Join our Involve UA page
Click on Contact
Fill out the form
Select "Interested in getting involved" as Subject
*If you receive a 404 Error after submitting, don't worry we still receive it!
2. A member of our executive board will be in contact with you shortly
3. Attend our informational session at the beginning of the semester, dates/times will be shared with you once they are determined
*We are always open to setting up a phone/video call or answer any of your questions over email before you decide to become involved.
Our dues to become an active student consultant is $35 for one semester or $60 for a whole year.
We expect that you attend at least 70% of our meetings bi-weekly meetings. We meet every other Wednesday at 6:00 PM in room 125 in McClelland Hall.
*We do not want dues to be the reason you do not join us, we want to work with you. Please contact us with any concerns you may have about paying dues.
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