The Semester Timeline
Team Up & Meet Your Client
SCNO gives students a couple weeks at the beginning of each semester to get to know each of our clients and form teams. This is how we are different from the business consulting track (BCOM 314) within Eller. We allow students to make their own teams and choose their client that best fits their skills. We start with an information session so the students can get to know the club and then we host a casual client night so the clients can introduce themselves to our student consultants.
Research & Connect
Teams have the entire semester to come up with business solutions for their client. One person within the team can apply for a Team Lead position. This role plays as the main source of communication between the client and the team. Team leads do not need to have any prior experience but do need to show exemplary leadership skills. It is up to them to make sure all consultants are putting in a fair amount of work and giving the clients innovative and creative business solutions. These solutions are completely research based. No consultants are obligated to volunteer for their clients but can do so if they want to on their own time.
Team Lead Application
Final Client Presentations
At the end of our semester, we host a final professional client night. This is our teams opportunity to present their solutions and research. Most teams choose to do so in a powerpoint but we allow any creative medium to present solutions. Teams also will create a final research report that is a collective of all research and findings. We supply our teams with a report template but encourage everyone to make their own that represents the creativity of the team. This is an incredible event, nonprofit leaders use this to network and many students use this to create long-lasting relationships with business leaders.

You will work for senior execs and have a strong impact.

You will learn a lot and progress quickly.

You will work and make friends with bright people.

McKinsey & Company

Boston Consulting Group

Deloitte LLC


Becoming a student consultant allows you to stand out on applications when applying to jobs and internships. It shows that you take the extra initiative to get consulting experience before graduation. Consultants don't just focus on one major, they focus on whatever the client may need. Which means they become knowledgable about many different topics beyond their degree. We've had alumni and undergraduates receive offers from the big five consulting firms and many of them mentioned using SCNO experiences as examples in their interviews.