How SCNO can help
SCNO can play a role in both identifying problems and finding a solution for areas of improvement clients have identified within their organization.

Past projects have included:
Market Mapping
Industry Research
Inventory Management
Organizational Restructuring
Revenue & Margin Expansion
Fundraising Strategies
Awareness & Outreach Strategies
Targeted Marketing Strategies

Reach for the Stars is dedicated to connecting youth to space, "exploring the universe to heal those in it". It is proven that nature and wellness have a direct relationship. Fostering this idea is a healthy outlet for those dealing with stress and depression. With many engaging programs, Reach for the Stars uses awe-inspiring astronomy to promote mental health and wellness among youth.
Reach for the Stars
Saguaro City Music Theatre
Saguaro City Music Theatre offers the Tucson Community
engaging and creative productions that promote diverse artistic
opportunities. They take pride in designing a unique, barrier-free education program for young individuals passionate about musical theatre. The free youth programs allow for inclusive arts access for the entire community, inspiring us to see our similarities and value our differences.